Afro-Brazilian singing class – Bristol 26/04/2014

This Saturday the Bris Arts Maracatu side project, Afon Sistema, is collaborating with friends Ilu Axe on this one off Afro-Brazilian singing workshop.

The workshop will focus on the traditional call and response songs from the religious tradition of Candomble, the system of deities known as Orixas taken to Brazil by the enslaved African people. If you’ve ever had an interest in any kind of singing, or Brazilian culture, this workshop is an ideal starting place to learn about this. The workshop will be led by Jon Hardeman, who is the UK’s leading authority on this music, and one of the only non-Brazilians to be initiated into this religious tradition. Jons relaxed delivery style ensures everyone feels relaxed and comfortable in the class, the workshop requires absolutely no previous experience of any kind of singing, all we need is your enthusiasm!

Please see the poster below for all information on the workshop, for more information see the Facebook event page and Jon Hardemans website via the links here.

Candomble Singing Workshop Bristol with Jon Hardeman

Songs of Life Singing Workshop